Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Finding Your Passion in Direct Sales

In my close circle of friends, I am the only one who is self employed. It is not the most popular choice among most, and I think it takes someone very unique to truly make it on their own.

Some people have asked me before what it takes to succeed in Direct Sales. I believe it takes two things - you have to be teachable, and you have to find a company that fits you.

*Please note: the term "success" when referring to Direct Sales is a very subjective term, and really relates to what that persons goals are. If your goal is to make a side income to fund a family vacation, you cannot compare yourself to someone who is working on becoming a stay at home mom. The goals for everyone are going to be different. 

Become a Sponge

What I mean by teachable is that you have to be willing to be a sponge and soak up all of the training
that is available to you. Look to the people who are in leadership positions in your DS company. Ask them what they did to make it to where they are today? I have met a TON of people that have started with a Direct Sales company (my own specifically, but also in others) that have done well at coming to every training meeting there is, taking awesome notes, studying all the material...and then take absolutely no action. It does you no good to ask for advice and then not do anything with it!

I built a very successful business with Safety Pro, and what I saw month after month, year after year, was that the people who showed up to weekly meetings were the ones who succeeded the most. If your company provides weekly training, GO. The motivation alone will be a huge help in your success. Nothing is required in this business, which is why some people cut corners. But if you follow the advice of those before you, you're far more likely to do well.

Other places to find training will be on your personal web pages (not the shopping one, of course, but the one where you place orders, etc.), YouTube videos, and books. Stay in touch with our Read Your Way to Success page for recommended reading.

True Love in Direct Sales

Finding a company that fits you is almost the same as finding a life partner. How many dates have you gone on before finding The One? Not to mention the fact that many people have found who they thought was The One, only to see things fall apart a few years down the road.

I have been with three other DS companies before finding Mary Kay. Although I love some of the products from the companies that I was with before, I really wasn't passionate enough about them to build a lifelong business with them.

Don't Give Up!

If you've ever walked away from a Direct Sales business but still love the idea of being self employed, please don't give up! Your success can also depend on you finding a company that really fits you. There is a fantastic group on Facebook that I am a part of, called Promoting Direct Sales. Spend some time on that page, and you will find out about all sorts of companies! There is such a wide variety that I'm sure you'll find something to suit your needs.

One thing you need to keep in mind is that building a business takes time. Don't quit your day job just yet! But put together a plan that will help you get there in the next year. In the mean time, start focusing on building relationships. Mostly with your  clients. A client will make a better team member than anyone else! They've already used your product, they know your product (less training), and they believe in your product. That is key. Audrey from ItWorks agrees: "You have to be a product of the product! How can you expect others to use it if you don't use it?" 

Advice From the Pros

Attract, don't push. People join people, not companies. Act with integrity and honesty, and you'll attract that into your organization. Learn Attraction Marketing Strategies well.
Connor, Sales and Marketing Trainer

Be passionate about what you're offering! What is your "why"?
Tina, Stella and Dot

If someone joins your team, make sure they know you're always there for them.
Amanda, Makeup Eraser

No need to reinvent the wheel, the system works! Follow your leaders, do your training, take full advantage of team support.
Debbie, Nerium International

Remember your "why"...Why you started, why you love [your company], why you believe in the
products...Don't ever give up on that!

Please read your manuals! No question is stupid. We were all first at one time! It's all about teamwork and motivating each other on our journey.
Andrea, Younique

Step outside of your comfort zone, get away from the computer, and go talk to people face to face. It might be scary at first, but you are missing a world of opportunity by focusing just on the internet.
Melissa, Endless Xpressions

The only competition you are in is with yourself! Don't worry about who everyone else on the team or in the company is doing on their sales. They have a different situation than you do. Just constantly push yourself to beat your best.
Laura, Passion Parties

What is your "why"? If it does not make you cry, it is not your why!
Justine, Origami Owl

First and foremost, write down your goals of where you want to be in 6 months, 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years. Write it down, show it to everyone. Make sure to have someone hold you accountable for everything, too!
Jennifer, Kalypso Twistz

Be consistent, consistency yields results. Your goal should be to share your business consistently every day.
Priscilla, Rejuvenetics


  1. I definitely would be no good as a direct sales person. But I definitely appreciate the people who are passionate enough for it!!

    1. I agree that definitely not everyone can be great when it comes to sales of any kind. It's a tough industry!

  2. I've done direct sales once. It was an OK experience but not really my thing. It's great you can be successful at it.

    1. Thanks Karissa! I think that's great you at least gave it a shot once. Can't knock it till you try it! :)

  3. Being self-employed is hard but it's such a freeing feeling! love it!

    1. Oh yes, there's definitely pros and cons to self-employement! The freedom can be worth the risk!

  4. I definitely think you have to have a real love for the products to be able to sell as much as you need to (and not go crazy), and a HUGE amount of self motivation! I love being self-employed :)

    1. Yes, I agree Chelsea! I think one of the things that really helps me in my Mary Kay business is that I was a customer first and fell in love with the products. That can make such a big difference!

  5. I agree with Chelsea, self-motivations and love of the products you will be selling. Great advice

    1. Glad you liked it, Miranda! Yes, loving the product and believing in the company can have a huge impact on someones success in this industry.

  6. A friend of mine does Rodan and Fields and loves it. :)

    1. Oh, that's awesome! I just learned about R&F a few weeks ago. They've got some super cute stuff!

  7. my girl friends who sell Mary Kay just love it! it helps when you believe in your company so much, it's contagious!

    1. Contagious is a good word! LOL Loving the product and believing in your company can have a huge impact on your success!

  8. Direct Sales is just so hard for my personality. :) I think it does take a certain type of person.. and my husband Jacob is great at it... but me not so much!

    1. I agree it does take a certain personality to pull it off! It's common for one person in a couple to be good at it and the other not be interested. Opposites attract! lol

  9. Direct Sales is definitely hard! I have been there before and I learned being passionate is key!

    1. Oh so true, Brittney! I've seen some people who are just on fire in their business, and you can tell they love what they do!

  10. I tried direct sales once. I figured that since I loved the products and used them everyday that it would be a great fit. But I found that my handmade business turned around a much higher profit, no one was making a cut off my hard work.
    It's so cool that there are so many options out there for people to make additional income, isn't it?

    1. It really is! Since I've joined Mary Kay I've realized that there are literally HUNDREDS of different direct sales companies out there. I had no idea! Congratulations on your handmade business! So happy to hear you found something that works for you!

  11. Direct sales is hard. I agree not everyone is meant to do sales. I didn't like it when I tried but I have a friend who is very successful.

    1. It's definitely a business where you have to have some hussle! No matter what you sell, the industry of sales can be a tough one! Glad to hear you at least gave it a try one time. :)

  12. Wow! I'm not sure I could ever do direct sales.

    1. Oh, I can understand the sales industry is definitely not for everyone! :D

  13. This is some great advice for anyone interested. I suck at sales. HAHA

    1. Oh yes, not everyone will enjoy it! LOL Thanks for stopping by!

  14. Really great post, I have been thinking a lot about Mary Kay lately and this is very helpful!

    1. I'm glad you liked it Nasya! If you have any other questions of Mary Kay feel free to contact me! :D

  15. I'm self-employed but could probably not do direct sales. All of this advice is great, though!

    1. Congrats on being self-employed! I'm always excited to meet people who are :)

  16. I'm far too shy for direct sales - but these are great tips!
