Ah, the American Dream. 2.5 kids, a dog, a white picket fence, and being able to work from home. I love it! In your pursuit of happiness, maybe you will find it here, in the world of Direct Sales. It is a field that is recommended by the greats: Warren Buffet, Donald Trump, and Robert Kyosaki.
Direct Sales (or network marketing) is so highly recommended because of how much training is readily available, without having to spend years and thousands of dollars in college tuition. Not only will you have training available from your sponsor, but there are endless YouTube videos, websites, and books where you can train yourself.
Here is a group of truly inspiring moms who have found their version of success in various Direct Sales companies and would love to share this opportunity with you!

Business: Skinny Body Care
Personal website: www.jettoyoursuccess.sbc90.com
What inspired you to join this DS company: I needed to lose weight and wanted to earn money. Seemed like the best choice!
Favorite thing about your business: My husband and I have both lost weight and gotten healthier. How has your business helped your family: It has helped us keep our home!
How do you inspire your team members to succeed: Never give up! Keep advertising because people are watching, and when they're ready they will respond.
Advice/words of wisdom for anyone who wants to join you: SBC is a company that wants to see you succeed physically and financially. Skinny Fiber not only helps you lose weight, it also gives you energy, helps your overall health, and best of all - it's chemical free!

Name: Christine Folse
Business: Younique
Personal website: www.youniqueproducts.com/styleLASHly
Years in business: 4 mths
What inspired you to join this DS company: I was very skeptical about joining Younique because there are so many DS companies that sell makeup. It was after I had false lashes put on at the nail salon and pulled out my real lashes when they fell off that I said "I have to find a better way". I ABSOLUTELY LOVE makeup and my lashes, so I decided to give the 3D fiber lashes a shot. After trying the mascara and falling in love I decided to become a presenter for Younique and save all the beautiful ladies from the torture of falsies!!
Favorite thing about your business: My favorite thing about Younique is my awesome up line. I could not have hand picked a better team to be on. Also, I love inspiring other to be "Younique" not only on the outside but to find their true inner beauty and let it shine through!
How has your business helped your family: I have 3 extremely active/competitive children. Younique has allowed them to be outgoing and join activities that I couldn't previously afford
How do you inspire your team members to succeed: To be successful with any DS business you must know you "WHY" and reevaluate it on a regular bases. Start of with a small goal and build from it with a positive attitude and dedication. Most importantly, DON'T be scared to asked questions! That is what your up line is there for and they want you to be successful
Advice/words of wisdom for anyone who wants to join you: Don't be scared of Direct Sales! Your success is based on your goals! Don't allow a successful life pass you by because you fear failure. The only failure is not believing in yourself!! Allow Younique and myself to inspire and empower you to find your inner beauty and build a successful future

Name: Suzzanne Sullivan
Business: Simply Aroma
Years in business: 6 months
What inspired you to join this company: I have always been interested in aromatherapy and healing the body naturally. Simply Aroma offers the highest quality, 100% pure essential oils. In addition the company is really committed to seeing their consultants succeed. They have frequent promotions like free enrollments, incentives, bonuses and flash sales to help you build your business. I have a team of 189 and have made manager in 5 months of work.
Favorite thing about your business: My favorite thing about this business is that it sells itself. You work with people to find ways to meet their health needs. As they discover the benefits of the essential oils, they buy more and share with their friends. My husband and I use the oils which has significantly benefited us health wise. In addition, we work the business together and have been able to increase our family income. How do you encourage your team members to succeed: I encourage my team members to be themselves, don't push, try the oils and share them. I am always there for them so they can ask questions about different conditions and specific essential oils to treat them. In addition, we have several groups with qualified people who can also give advice. I always stress that our company is very conscientious and responsible about their recommendations and they need to be also. It is also important to see each person as an individual and let them work the business at their own pace. Advice/words of wisdom for anyone who wants to join you: I would advise anyone who wants to join to really have a desire to help others gain better health and to have the desire to put in the work it takes to build a business. I will help them every step of the way.

Name: Yvonne Castro
Business: It Works Global
Personal Website: http://www.transformultimatebody.com/ Years in business: 2 yrs in Dec. What inspired you to join this DS company: Let's say I went with my gut when I decided to join this business. As time went on, I fell in love with the culture of the company. Favorite thing about your business: Our leadership is fantastic. The products are well researched & work! How has your business helped your family: This business has enabled me to continue to stay home with my children. I'm also setting the example that you build a life around your work & not work around your life!
Advice/words of wisdom for anyone who wants to join you: Keep it simple. Follow the training & duplicate. There is no magic pill.
Personal Website: http://www.transformultimatebody.com/ Years in business: 2 yrs in Dec. What inspired you to join this DS company: Let's say I went with my gut when I decided to join this business. As time went on, I fell in love with the culture of the company. Favorite thing about your business: Our leadership is fantastic. The products are well researched & work! How has your business helped your family: This business has enabled me to continue to stay home with my children. I'm also setting the example that you build a life around your work & not work around your life!
Advice/words of wisdom for anyone who wants to join you: Keep it simple. Follow the training & duplicate. There is no magic pill.

Business: Romance Enhancements (adult)
Personal website: http://ultimategiftsonly.com
What inspired you to join this DS company: I was inspired because of infidelity among my fellow housewives in the military when their spouse was deployed.
What is your favorite thing about your business: My favorite thing about my business is meeting people of all walks of life.
How has your business helped your family: Besides financially, my business has helped my family by making it possible for my son (who's a felon) to be employed. How do you inspire your team members to succeed: I inspire my family (who are team members) to succeed by telling them and showing them how good life can be by working hard for what you want.
Advice/words of wisdom to anyone who wants to join you: I always refer to the old adage, "winners never quit, and quitters never win." Keep the faith, anything is possible!

Buisness: Saba-ACE
Personal website: www.acethedietpill.com
How many years in business: 1 1/2 years
What inspired you to join this DS company: I joined ACE because I saw how good it worked for me, and I want to help others get healthy.
How has your business helped your family: My business has made us financially free. I get to stay at home with my little girl and not have to worry about how I'm going to pay for food.
How do you inspire your team members to succeed: My team not only gets there own team apparel but we have monthly contests!
Advice/words of wisdom for anyone who wants to join you: Anyone who wants to join I suggest you make sure your ready because you will sell out FAST!

Business: Mary Kay
Personal Website: www.marykay.com/LMAC
Years in business: 2.5
What inspired you to join this DS company: The long history of the company
Favorite thing about your business: The freedom and flexibility
How has your business helped your family: My daughter is my assistant. She helps me set up for events, check inventory, and drop off orders.
How do you inspire your team members to succeed: I'm hands-on with my team. They know that I'm there for them. We are family!
Advice/words of wisdom for anyone who wants to join you: I love this business! Mary Kay is not just lipstick, it's a life improvement program. This company has inspired me to dream big. I have grown so much. This business has made me a better mother, mate, and member of society.

Business: Jamberry
Personal website: www.annalise.jamberrynails.net
Years in business: 1 (Also have previous Direct Sales experience and own a small business making tutus and hair accessories).
What inspired you to join this DS company: A friend of mine is also a Jamberry representative and I saw how much she helped her family and how much fun she was having while she did it!
Favorite thing about your business: Jamberry not only has leaders that are very helpful, but the help is company-wide all the way to the top!
How has your business helped your family: My business has allowed me to help my family pay bills, put my son in a gymnastics class, and just help out my family to have a little extra spending money.
How do you inspire your team members to succeed: We set goals together and I help them figure out how much work they should put into their business for their desired outcome; everyone's goals are different.
Advise/words of wisdom for those who want to join you: If you enjoy having fun while making money this is how you do it! Remember you do have to put time into it for your business to go, just like anything else.
A lot of inspirational women! Thanks for sharing.
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